Members receive a newsletter published three to four times a year and receive discounts on Field Trips and Workshops. If you are interested in joining The Alabama Geological Society, please review the membership categories below and download a Membership Application in PDF format. Submit the application with the appropriate dues for the category in which you are applying for membership (see below). If you would like to have an application mailed to you, please e-mail the AGS Secretary.
Membership Categories
Professional - Applicant must be a graduate of a college or university in which they have done their major work in geology. Professional members must have the equivalent of five years practical experience in geological science past the Bachelor's level, two years experience past the Master's level, or one year past the Doctoral level. Dues are $20.00 per year.
Associate - Any person who does not qualify as a professional member and who is not a student of a college or university with a declared major in geology. Dues are $15.00 per year.
Student - Any person who is a student of a college or university with a declared major in geology. Application for student membership must be endorsed by a recognized member of the faculty of the geology department in which the student is enrolled. Dues are $12.00 per year.
Associate - Any person who does not qualify as a professional member and who is not a student of a college or university with a declared major in geology. Dues are $15.00 per year.
Student - Any person who is a student of a college or university with a declared major in geology. Application for student membership must be endorsed by a recognized member of the faculty of the geology department in which the student is enrolled. Dues are $12.00 per year.
Online Payment!
You can now pay for AGS services online! Renew your membership, donate for travel grants, or pay for this years field trip all online! Please click this link to take you to our Square online payment website.